2023 Year in Review Letter and Goodbye for Now

Heyo Friends and Family,

It’s no surprise we haven’t posted in 3 months, as we’ve been settling into our new life here in the Pacific Northwest during that time. It has been a bumpy ride and we’re still figuring it out… but we’re getting there slowly but surely. This will be our last post on Team Jansen Abroad for the immediate future, with hopes life will take us abroad again later in life. We want to thank you for following along on our international journey these last five and a half years. We’re grateful we were able to share our experiences with you virtually and in person with some of you… memories we’ll cherish. Sending you all so much love, good health, and peace in 2024. We hope to see you very soon. Until then, big hugs.

All our love,

xo Team Jansen

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