Pregnancy Journal – Second Trimester Part I

Hellooooo Family and Friends,

As we’ve posted before, throughout our pregnancy journey, we’ve been keeping a journal. For ourselves but also for our family and friends to be able to live the little moments with us. Growing baby bump pics included! This post includes many milestones, including telling each of our friends and family about baby boy. Memories we’ll forever hold dear. Happy reading!

Our next post will talk about our recent visit from our dear friends, the Reckers, and our joint trip to Thailand!

All of our love,

xo Team Jansen

Pregnancy Journal – Second Trimester Part I

12 November, 2019 – Baby Boy Jansen’s first long haul flight in utero. Headed home to tell immediate family our good news!

13 November 2019 – While watching Grandpa Lee and Grandma Bernice’s 50th wedding anniversary video, we told Grandma Kim and Grandpa Steve that it’ll be fun to recreate these iconic family photos with Wyatt and our baby boy… they weren’t certain at first if we meant we were just planning to have a child or were ACTUALLY pregnant (haha!) but after clarification, they were incredibly excited!

14 November, 2019 – Revealed Samantha’s “Pregnant AF” shirt at dinner with Tanner and Jessi. First response: “We knew it!” Then hugs and twin snuggles all night and morning! Over the moon our boy will be so close in age to the twins!

15 November, 2019 – Met our nephew, Wyatt, for the first time! Flubbed our telling Tyler and Jamie the good news, with a classic deli meat listeria slip-up. Tyler knew right away and Samantha was a deer in the headlights. Jamie’s excited bear hug was food for the soul. Over the moon our boy will be so close in age to Wyatt too!

15 November, 2019 entry 2 – The Baums stopped by to visit. Couldn’t convince Carson to be the news sharer… “I have a secret, Carson. There’s a baby in my belly.” -Samantha “In there? Well what’s his name?” -Carson skeptically “He doesn’t have one yet. Do you want to tell your Mom and Dad about the baby?” -Samantha “No.” -Carson definitively hahahaha! We went another route and they were super excited! Then later that day we received the following (hilarious text) from Eric: “First thing Carson tells Grandma Jeanne when he wakes up… ‘Sam has a baby in her belly!’ Needless to say, he’ll be staying with grandparents while we visit the Bomstads.” We appreciated them shielding the secret until we could share with the Bomstads.

16 November, 2019 – “When are you two going to have kids?” –Great Grandma Jansen after playing with Wyatt. “How about May 2020?” –Samantha… She, Aunt Debbie, and Aunt Diane were all shocked and excited!

17 November, 2019 – Breakfast with the Aspatores… they’re pregnant too!! With TWINS! Quiet high fives all around the table as their neighbors were close by in the restaurant. They were so shocked their mouths and eyes were HUGE. Can’t believe our babes will be so close in age!

17 November, 2019 entry 2 – Playing alphabet match game with Charley… “B stands for?” –Samantha “Balloon!” –Charley “And the baby in my belly!” –Samantha… Tiff didn’t know if we were serious and then happily teared-up (so sweet)! Adam and the boys were so happy!

17 November, 2019 entry 3 – At Natalie and Andrew’s, Samantha was set to project the after dinner movie (classic Aladdin) onto the Apple TV but instead displayed our 12-week ultrasound. “What’s that?!” –Andrew “Our baby!” –Samantha “Can we tell you something? We’re pregnant too!” –Natalie aaaaaand commence all four of us with happy tears and living in a state of shock for the next 24 hours. A moment that will forever be etched into our memories. #BestieBabes

18 November, 2019 – Daddy’s (33) and Grandma Sherry’s (54) birthdays! Gifted Grandma Sherry a onesie that read “Due to production time, your birthday present will not arrive until May 2020!” She cried happy tears. Great Grandma Darlene and Great Grandpa Chuck were super excited too!

18 November, 2019 entry 2 – Travis sent a very surprising “thank you” message to our 909 family as a follow-up to their birthday wishes to him. “Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone! I am beyond excited for my next trip around the sun because it’ll be the year I become a Dad and my lady, becomes a Momma!! Baby Boy Jansen will join our growing 909 family in May 2020!!!!” –Travis To which the response was utter shock and excitement! Made our hearts so happy!

18 November, 2019 entry 3 – Grandpa Jerry was excited and cried when he found out our news at dinner! Big bear hug commenced.

26 November, 2019 – Lyndsey shared her recommended baby items list via email (Thank you!). We immediately realized how little we know about kids. “We need that?”, “What does that do?!”, “I didn’t know those existed!”.

30 November, 2019 – Little Momma can’t fit her growing belly into her shorts anymore. She’s resorted to closing the button with a hair-tie. Boobs are also continuing to grow… bras bought in the US almost don’t fit already! Momma feels flutters of movement pretty regularly now.

5 December, 2019 – 16-week appointment – all is well. Lil’ Nugget is growing stronger and bigger! He’s as big as an avocado… thanks.

6 December, 2019 – Momma has felt a lot of movement in her belly the last week, which isn’t quite strong enough yet to be felt from the outside. He’s quite the mover.

9 December, 2019 – Momma felt a kick on the outside tonight while talking to Daddy on the phone, who’s in the USA for work!

14 December, 2019 – No matter how often she flosses, Momma looks like a vampire from True Blood who has just finished feeding.

16 December, 2019 – Daddy felt his first, very subtle, kick on Momma’s belly! Ope!

25 December, 2019 – First holiday season away from family. Incredibly thankful for video chat and technology in general. Baby Boy Jansen is quite the gymnast. Momma and Daddy feel his back handsprings and triple tucks quite frequently now.

31 December, 2019 – Momma and Daddy’s 9th wedding anniversary! Nug is the size of a banana and is also half-baked at 20 weeks today! Celebrated this awesome time with the the Reckers in Khao Lak, Thailand! Feeling so fortunate.

9 January, 2020 – Started the new 2020 year off with our “20-week” appointment (really 21 weeks). All systems go for Momma and Baby Boy Jansen. He’s going to be a smarty… his head circumference is 95th percentile! Ouchie… Doc took an awesome 3D image of sweet boy’s little face!

11 January, 2020 – Momma felt baby boy drag his elbow across her stomach for the first time (weeeeeird) and Daddy saw Momma’s belly physically move when Nug kicked!

Second Trimester Summary Part I – Feel like a regular human again! Making adjustments to life to accommodate the extra belly weight. Baby Boy Jansen is a little gymnast, constantly doing back handsprings and triple tucks.

6 thoughts on “Pregnancy Journal – Second Trimester Part I

  1. Thanks for sharing life with us through your eyes!!! Makes us feel like part of this wonderful journey to becoming parents! 💞So much more to come…love you all😘😘

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love the updates and pictures!!! Looking forward to more!! Adjusting the growing belly and shrinking pants with a hair tie 😂😂 ya gots to do what ya gots to do!!! Love you both!!! Can’t wait to meet baby Jansen!!! 😘😘

    Liked by 1 person

    1. haha! The hairtie is screaming! #YaGotsToDoWhatYaGotsToDo We love you too! xo


  3. I love this! I feel so happy and blessed I was there for baby Jansens announcement!
    Love the pictures! Thanks for sharing… I didn’t need to know about the hair tye trick though…😂🤣 January green drink time ! Love you guys!
    Aunt Debbie ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We’re happy you were there too! The hair tie method is no secret! haha Just riding on the backs of my foresisters. Love you too, Aunt Debbie! xo


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