Autumn Time Change

Family and Friends,

We hope you’re feeling rested after “falling back” with Daylight Saving Time. As a reminder, Singapore does not observe DST so our clocks remained the same. This does mean; however, that we now have new time differences between us. I’ve included the differences below.

  • U.S. Eastern – 13 hours difference – This means if it’s noon your time, it’s 1AM our time.
  • U.S. Central – 14 hours difference – Noon your time is 2AM our time.
  • U.S. Pacific – 16 hours difference – Noon your time is 4AM our time.
  • Central European Standard Time – 7 hours difference – Noon your time is 7PM our time.

This time of year makes coordinating video chats with the USA a little more challenging but know that we’re committed to staying in touch and we can figure it out together! Most typically, our weekend mornings/your weekend evenings offer the best time for both sides for chatting. Looking forward to it!

Have a great week and stay warm!

All our love,

xo Team Jansen

When you REALLY want to cuddle your sister but she’s NOT having it.

1 thought on “Autumn Time Change

  1. Thanks for the reminder and your willingness to always figure things out!! You guys are the best and love you to Singapore and back💞💞

    Liked by 1 person

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