Formula One and Oktoberfest Asia

Heyo Family and Friends,

It’s been a bit since we last posted. Honestly, we’ve been staying super low-key and soaking up the last couple of weeks since we’ve not had any travel during that time. Although we’ve mostly been living the homebody lifestyle, we do have a few updates.

Formula One Singapore Grand Prix

Each year, Singapore hosts a Formula One (F1) event, the Singapore Grand Prix. If you’re not familiar, please call Eric, Lyndsey, or Carson Baum for a full description and current rankings of drivers. Jk… but seriously, they’re huge fans! In short, it’s a single-seater auto race and it’s a huge deal in Singapore because they shut down a lot of the downtown area streets for the setup a month+ before and don’t completely deconstruct the course until a month+ after due to it’s sheer size. While we don’t typically follow F1, we received tips and updates from the Baums leading up to the event to become familiar and cheer for their favorite drivers. We had walk-around tickets for Sunday (22 September) only, which was the final day of the race and allowed us to explore all areas of the massive course including all concert stages, which was super cool. While most people were over the moon about the headliner, the Red Hot Chili Peppers (they were great!), we were pumped to see our favorite reggae band, Toots and the Maytals, and they did NOT disappoint. Who would have thought we’d see our favorite reggae band in Singapore for the first time?! The only not-so-cool part was that the air quality was still poor so we wore face masks for almost the entire race, but it was necessary and not too bad. Sebastian Vettel (Ferrari driver), took home the surprising and controversial victory. While he was a four-time world champion, he hadn’t won a race in over a year! Overall, it was a fun yet exhausting day from all the walking and the heat!

Fall Fest

One of the hardest times of year for us is when the season transitions to fall back home. It’s our favorite time of year and we miss it… a lot. The changing leaves, the crisp weather, pumpkins, apple cider, and the amazing smell of fall. To channel some fall-ness here in 85 degree Singapore, we had Ali and Matt over for a little fall fest where we cooked them Momma Sherry’s chili and talked into the night. It was nostalgic and needed.

This is 33, Oktoberfest Style

As you all know, Samantha turned thirty-three over the weekend. #CougarStatusForAMonth Celebrations started on Friday, when she and Ali did a lunch date followed by nails. Saturday (birthday) morning brought homemade cheesecake for breakfast, made by Mr. Jansen himself, an annual tradition. It’s amazing people! Team Jansen also contributed to herd immunity (yay public health!) by getting our annual flu vaccinations the same morning. Gotta love a birthday vaccination date haha! The rest of the day was spent in pajamas watching Netflix and napping. A perfect lazy day. We didn’t shower until about 4PM because we had to look presentable for Oktoberfest with the Donaldsons haha! Then we celebrated at Oktoberfest Asia over the evening, dancing and singing our little hearts out. Shout out to the Master of Ceremonies, Mateo, for organizing! Samantha even got to showcase her ability to play the trumpet with the band! They were shocked she could do it! She’d like to thank the Jansen cabin happy hour conch shell horn for its contribution to keeping her skills sharp. We left right around the time things were on the verge of “out-of-hand” (ha!) and grabbed some dumplings before heading home. Thank you, dumpling Auntie! Overall, a stellar birthday!

Thank you for all of the birthday wishes on video chat, text message, and social media! Our 30s have been our favorite decade of life and while we cannot wait to see what is yet to come, we’re sure enjoying the present!

All our love,

xo Team Jansen

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