Goodbye, Sweet Girl

Family and Friends,

It’s with great sadness that we’re writing to let you know that we lost our sweet, Little One on Sunday, 29 September to a hit-and-run only three months after losing our Joey. Little One loved Joey. They snuggled day-in-and-day-out. He was her person. We hope that they have been reunited in some way and that they’re snuggling the day through. Little One’s passing, like Joey’s, was unexpected and the pain we’re feeling has left us a bit numb and heartbroken. We’re still processing everything but to help our healing, we’ve written about Little One below… how she came to be with our family and what she was like.

Samantha found Little One on the side of the road in Wichita, KS during her first year of graduate school in 2010. She was malnourished and the vet estimated that she was about a year old. Although Samantha says she tried effortlessly to find a new home for her, we can all admit at this point it was a lie. Little One’s scuffed-up nose scar and feeble meow were just too much for Samantha to say “no” to. A week after finding her, she was ours to keep and like Joey, she was with us through many moves and adventures.

While Samantha rescued her from a tough life on the streets, Little One never let go of her wild side. She loved to roam around the yard, sneak-up on birds, and to hunt. If there was something in the house or in the screen porch, you could count on Little One to catch it and leave it as a “present” for you. A lizard here, a mouse there, none could pass on her land. While Joey was apathetic to the pups, Little One loved Luna and Vince. She would always rub her body on their legs and meow until they paid her the attention she demanded. She had a tic that showed its face now and again, a rapid back twitch that earned her the nickname “Twitch”. She was smart and incredibly talkative, announcing her presence wherever she went. The second a treat bag opened she’d come running, belly in full swing. She sought-out lovin’ on her own terms and only from those whom she felt safe. Samantha often worked from home and like clockwork at 10:30AM, Little One would appear for her morning love sesh and when she was happy she’d go back to bed. Again, her terms. You could always count on her to visit while you were on the toilet, rubbing up against your legs and meowing for pets. We’re certain she knew you were at your most vulnerable in those moments and took full advantage of it. She loved to hide in spaces that made her feel safe, an open closet or cupboard were her favorite forts. Her favorite spots were snuggling with Joey, roaming her yard, and sleeping on the back side of the couch.

She lived her life on her own terms and we loved her for it. Goodbye, sweet girl. We loved you dearly and we’ll miss you forever.

All our love,

xo Team Jansen

6 thoughts on “Goodbye, Sweet Girl

  1. I am so sad to hear about Little One!!! Breaks my heart because our pets are part of our family. Even harder when you are halfway around the world. So sorry for your loss! She was rescued and well loved for many years thanks to you! So happy that we had a chance to know her better when you were here last year. Hugs to all of you…Mom and Dad💞💞


    1. Thank you. She was incredibly loved and lived an adventurous life on her own terms. xo


  2. That is such a sweet tribute Sam and Travis… we are so sorry for your loss!
    They were lucky to have you guys.. as you were to have them
    We just rescued 2 kittens as you may know… magical mystical loving creatures make our life better
    Love aunt Debbie..


    1. Thank you, Aunt Debbie. They surely do make life better. xo


  3. Samantha, so sad to hear this about your kitty. I know how much furries mean to those of us who are blessed to have them. May you smile and giggle when relive those memories.


    1. Thanks, Lisa. She was a sweetie and we’ll definitely think of her often with a smile. I hope you’re well. Big hug.


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